Get in touch
Want to find out more or book a class directly?
Feel free to give me a call on 07974 097451
or email
Didsbury Cricket Club, 860 Wilmslow Road
Manchester, M20 27Y
You don’t need any previous experience of yoga and all my classes are accessible to people who have never been to a yoga class
As a keen sportsperson I know all about inflexibility so helping people who struggle with flexibility is ideal for me
Come in comfortable clothing that enables you to move and bring a mat if you have one and maybe some water.
Yoga benefits different people in different ways but you might feel more energy in your body, you might find your breath comes easier and you might find that you move more easily
Touching your toes is not the main aim of yoga, but if you come regularly you should lengthen your hamstrings sufficiently to enable you to do a forward bend